Mandalas are Tibetan prayer pictures dedicated to meditation, introspection, discovery and maintenance of inner harmony.
They are composed according to the rules of serial painting and painted in a spiral rotation, clockwise (dextrogyre)
or in the opposite direction (levogyre), from the outside to the center (centripetal) or from the center to the outside (centrifugal),
hence the words “dextropetal”, “dextrofugal”, “levopetal” and “levofugal”.
Most are painted counter-clockwise, levogyre, which is the positive direction of rotation in mathematics.

All paintings are oil on canvas.

Mandala 2016, 108×108 cm

A polyptych of 6 mandalas painted counter-clockwise, the mathematical direction of rotation, from the outside to the center, levopetal. They are drawn using the terms of the Fibonacci sequence expressed in centimetres, 1,1,2,1,1 for the first, 1,1,2,3,2,1,1 for the second, etc...

Levopetal mandalas, polyptych, 2019, 77×217 cm

Mandala 1, 2015, 33×33 cm, sold

Mandala 2, 2015, 40×40 cm, sold

A mandala, symphony of three colors, blue, red and yellow rotating in a spiral from the center outwards.

Spiral triphony, 2005, 180×180 cm

Mandalas are Tibetan paintings of meditative introspection for the search of inner harmony. They are paintings of peace and appeasement.

Blue mandala, 2004
100×100 cm

Mandalas are Tibetan paintings for meditative introspection and the search for inner harmony. They are paintings of peace and appeasement.

Levofugal mandala 2 (sunny), 2005
100×100 cm

Moz mandala, 2008
100×100 cm, mozambican ochre, sold

Clockwise painted mandala.

Dextrogyre mandala 1, 2000
94×94 cm

Levofugal mandala, painted from the center outwards, centrifugal, and counter-clockwise, levorotary, mathematical direction of rotation.

Levofugal mandala 1, 2001
90.5×90.5 cm

Levopetal mandala, painted counter-clockwise, levorotary, mathematical sense of rotation, and from the outside towards the center, centripetal.

Levopetal mandala 1, 2001
90×90 cm, sold