Engraving and aquatint allow for multiple copies of the same work and they also allow for copies with different colors.
They are all drawn and printed according to my rules of serial painting based on the Fibonacci sequence.

Tribute to Josef A. 9 , 2018
30×40 cm, aquatint

Tribute to Josef A. 10 , 2018
30×40 cm, aquatint

Tribute to Josef A. 11, 2018
30×40 cm, aquatint

Tribute to Josef A. 12 , 2018
30×40 cm, aquatint

Tribute to Josef A. 5 , 2018
30×40 cm, aquatint, sold

Tribute to Josef A. 6 , 2018
30×40 cm, aquatint

Tribute to Josef A. 7 , 2018
30×40 cm, aquatint, sold

Tribute to Josef A. 8 , 2018,
30×40 cm, aquatint

Tribute to Josef A. 1 , 2018
30×40 cm, aquatint

Tribute to Josef A. 2 , 2018
30×40 cm, aquatint

Tribute to Josef A. 3 , 2018
30×40 cm, aquatint

Tribute to Josef A. 4 , 2018
30×40 cm, aquatint, sold

Color study on the theme "The fold, the hernia and the funnel" proposed by the Salon des Réalités Nouvelles in 2011.

The fold, the hernia and
the funnel, 2011, 10×12,3 cm
colour pencil on etching

Gravure sur le thème "Le pli, la hernie et l'entonnoir" proposé par le Salon des Réalités Nouvelles en 2011.

The fold, the hernia and
the funnel, 2012, 1/5
10×12,3 cm, etching