PAINTING AND FIBONACCIThe universe is expanding and this expansion gives a direction to time, it is the irreversible movement towards the future.
At the beginning was a “big soup” of energy which extends in all directions, the Big Bang, and during this expansion, the universe cools.
Elementary particles, atoms and later molecules are born, which become more and more complex until DNA molecules are formed , life appears.
Thus, is expansion source of life, yesterday, today, tomorrow.
The expansions are divided according to the terms of the Fibonacci sequence in centimeters, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 cm…
They are painted, from left to right and bottom to top, from one corner to exterior as the color surfaces expand.
The colors are disposed according to the serial painting rules based on the Fibonacci sequence numbers.
All the paintings are oil on canvas and all the formats of the expansions depend on the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence and, therefore, are home made.